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A men’s news and entertainment forum to help us navigate the difficulty of life. We aim to inspire and provoke life affirming conversation, lead by example when it comes to health and lifestyle habits, and stand up for honest, decent men who want to promote better mental health. Check out our award nominated podcast, with apparel coming soon. Have a great day.

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Graphic of man and gut

Depression and gut health are related. Here’s how.

Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss…
Mental Health

Could Loose Men replace This Morning on ITV?

Given the recent troubles with ITV’s schedule, and the controversy surrounding leading presenter Philip Schofield, could Loose Men fill the void, at least of the…

Navigating Toxic Femininity: A Guide for Men

The behaviour of female contestants on the popular TV show Love Island sparked a debate a while back about toxic femininity. Viewers accused three women…
The Power of Bromance and Authentic Connections in Schools for Boys
Silent suffering – men and eating disorders in the UK
Is it true that men get better with age?
Man with phone and money
How can men make money on social media
Bodybuilder striking an aggressive pose
How to be masculine without being toxic
How Long Should You Wait to Reply to a Woman’s Message?

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